Monday, May 11, 2015

Huanùco, Ambo!

Hi Everyone! 
Alright so heres some news. Remember when i told you guys that my companion and i had white washed Satipo for hermanas for the first time in 10 years? Welllll because they´re are so many people (especially hermanas) leaving this month and in the next couple of months (more than thirty i believe in one group) president had to close the area for hermanas once again! It was actually super sad because i knew that my companion was having transfers because she was going home in july but i did not expect a transfer myself! Im not going to lie i teared up a bit before i left because i had just grown so close to the people and i thought i would have a bit more time with them. but the Lord knows why we are but with certain people and in certain areas. for example i have a new companion and her name is hermana peters! shes so sweet and she has fifteen months and leaves in july just like my other companion! but instead of being from california shes from oregon! and im slowly starting to learn the names of investigators and less actives and such so thats good! here in ambo its a lot different then the selva because well mainly because its not selva. theres a lot of polvo (dust)! and its a bit cloder as well. side note: this is the first time ive worn a long sleeved shirt in 4 months! and well im excited to work with new people and with a new ward. i got to meet some members on sunday and it was cool! i believe we had about 60 or so attending so about have the size of my old ward but still they are all so faithful and humble! oh and also ive noticed that ambo is a little more well off than satipo. they actually have tv´s in their houses! and a fridge! my new pentionista has a microwave and i was in shock! i hadnt seen a microwave since i left the states! but still i just thought that was funny! oh and by the way we have a multi zone conference this week on friday and im way excited because thats when president comes and talks to us and helps us out anyway he can! and we have a multi zone pday on thursday and i get to meet new people wooo! being in the sleva for 4 months means that no one knows who you are because youre kind of isolated from everyone hahah. okay well i think thats all the news for this week! and just a little thing ive been thinking of this week and its faith. I know that faith is the starting point to everything its not only having faith but acting on it. showing your faith is an act of obedience. If you really think about it Our Heavenly Father isnt asking much of us when he asks us to read our scriptures pray and go to church. all it really is a sacrfice of our time and efforts. Ask yourself if you are doing everything in your efforts to be the best person you can be. if you are trying to increase your faith everyday. this church is a church of progress. if you arent progressing take a step back and evaluate what you can do better and then after you have done what you can do pray to our heavenly father for guidance. i love you all so much and i know my emails are always kind of all over the place but hopefully you can get something out of it! have an amazing week everyone! 
keep smiling!(: 
Hermana Goyzueta

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